01/05/2023 - Patch Notes

  • ?key=0600979ea5512c7d86031a35498428e77019df11b88fcd2813acb5fb3736755d-aHR0cHM6Ly9pLmliYi5jby9mWWtrTndoL05vcy1Wb2lkLWJhbm5lci1wYXRjaC1ub3Rlcy5wbmc%3D


    - Duration of following buffs changed to 300 seconds : Eagle Eye, Armour of Darkness, Demonic Powers, Turbo Leader, Explosive Enhancement, Weapon Defence, Prayer of Offence, Prayer of Deffence, Engorgement, Infinite Armour, Ignition & Reignition.
    - Duration of Iron Skin buff changed to 180 seconds.
    - Added $Warp Easter command.
    - Added Wing of Return, Wing of Return (Desert/Volcano) & Amulet of Return to Alchemist.
    - Increased movement speed of monsters from Prestige 8.2 Farming Maps.
    - Removed mini boss rooms from Paimon Raid, buffed HP by a bit.

    - Updated descriptions of Easter Materials.


    - Fixed an issue, where Bear Spirit had '' Defence level is decreased by 1 '' in visual.
    - Fixed an issue, where Grasslin Fairy and Golden Mushroom pets had no buffs.
    - Fixed an issue, where Wolf Power (level 2) had wrong duration in visual.

    New Lightning Wings

    P.S : It's a buff not debuff, so it'll appear on yourself instead of opponent.

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